Get muzzle position

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Re: Get muzzle position

Postby L'In20Cible » Sun Nov 12, 2017 11:28 pm

satoon101 wrote:lol. Hey, as long as it works, I'm good with it. Thank you!
It might have a direct way to retrieve the origin by extracting the animation/pose parameter from the cs_player_shared.mdl/ak_anims_t/ct.mdl files but I'm really unsure about that. The bone might also be different for CS:GO, I extracted it from CCSPlayer::CSWeaponDrop (this is where the engine position the weapon when dropped):
Ayuto wrote:No need to use a signature for LookupBone:

Are they matching? When I tested yesterday, indexes were different. Assumed the bone was from an $includemodel or something. But now that you mention it, and that I did the lookup in place, I think I forgot to break the loop resulting in the index to be the last in range instead of the match. :embarrassed:

EDIT: Yes it does! Updated the code.

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