Here is my code
Code: Select all
data = pd.read_excel(filename, usecols=[4,18,19,20,26,27,28],converters={'Serial Number' :'{:0>32}'.format })
except Exception as e:
sys.exit("Error reading %s: %s" % (filename, e))
data["Subject Organization"].fillna("N/A",inplace= True)
data = data[data['Subject Organization'].str.contains("XYX",case = False)]
print ("fetch Serial Number with 32 characters")
data["Output"] = data['Serial Number'].apply(lambda x: fetch_by_ser_no(x))
global _FETCHED
data["Serial Number 34"] = data['Serial Number'].str.zfill(34)
data.loc[:,"itemlen"] = data["Output"].str.len()
data['itemlen'] = data['itemlen'].astype(str)
df = data[data['itemlen'].str.contains("1")]
del df['Serial Number 34']
df = df[['Description','Certificate Issued','Certificate Expires','Subject Organization','Subject Common Name','Subject Alternate Names','Output','Serial Number','itemlen']]
data.drop(data[data['itemlen'] == "1" ].index,inplace = True)
print("Fetch Serial Number with 34 character start")
data['Output'] = data['Serial Number 34'].apply(lambda x: fetch_by_ser_no(x))
del data['Serial Number']
data.rename(columns ={'Serial Number 34':'Serial Number'},inplace = True)
data = data.append(df)
The Problem is I need to check it 4 times for 28,30,32,34 .
Is there a way I can create dynamic data frames using a for loop? I need to create a excel file at the end which shows all the output together.
Steps the code is doing -:
1.Read the excel file and create a dataframe "data" where serial number = 32 characters
2.Filter the Records from the file based on column Subject Organization = 'XYX'
3.Pass the Serial Number to a function (fetch by serial Number) and get the output in "Output" columns.
4.If the Output column has length = 1 then create a new dataframe "df" and save the output.But where "Output" column = 0 we need to make the Serial Number = 34 characters and pass it to function again to get the output.
5.Append both the data and df which will have same columns names and write the combined dataframe to an excel sheet.