VictimStats v1.0.0

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VictimStats v1.0.0

Postby satoon101 » Sun Aug 05, 2018 11:51 pm

VictimStats sends victim stat information on death and round end.

The plugin has so far only been tested on CS:S, but might work on other OrangeBox games. Everything should work in CS:GO, as well, except for the chat colors. This can be used for DeathMatch and other respawning modes, as well, but I do plan on making it so the stats don't just keep piling up for multiple kills and instead show the number of times you have killed other players during your life.

Here is the default configuration for CS:S:

Code: Select all

// Options
//   * default_display_type:0 - Off
//   * default_display_type:1 - Chat w/o hitgroups
//   * default_display_type:2 - Chat with hitgroups
//   * default_display_type:3 - Menu w/o hitgroups
//   * default_display_type:4 - Menu with hitgroups
// Default Value: 1
// Set to the default display type to use for victim stats
   vs_default_display_type 1

// Options
//   * default_distance_type:0 - Meters
//   * default_distance_type:1 - Feet
//   * default_distance_type:2 - Meters & Feet
// Default Value: 2
// Set to the default type for distance.
   vs_default_distance_type 2

Both of the variables are for defaults for Player Settings. For the display type, I am still working on another version of the menu, which will contain a little more information for each type of stat.

To create the configuration file, load victim_stats on the server once and the default file will be created at ../cfg/source-python/victim_stats.cfg. Edit the file to your liking and then re-load victim_stats.

If you have suggestions or notice any bugs for the plugin, please feel free to post them on the issues list:

Thanks, and enjoy :)

Current version download
victim_stats -
(8.78 KiB) Downloaded 539 times

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