A new release! (May 19, 2015)

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Postby nergal » Mon Jun 01, 2015 8:29 am

holy shit, TF2 SUPPORT? Yes. I can finally port my mods for here!

I'm tired of Sourcemod and crappy pawn language.
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Postby satoon101 » Mon Jun 01, 2015 1:16 pm

Well, technically TF2 has been supported since our first OrangeBox build. Even lately, we had been only posting csgo and orangebox (with orangebox being the css SDK branch), but TF2 works fine on the orangebox/css build. The only difference between the tf2 branch and the css branch is they have different entities.constants (which currently is just that css has DMG_HEADSHOT). We do still need to add weapon data for TF2, which I will try to get to sometime this week (along with any other currently supported games).

If there is anything specific that you want us to add to our support, please feel free to post an issue on our Issues List.
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Postby qazuar » Wed Jun 10, 2015 4:42 am

I have a small issue with remove_entity.
It works fine with 1 client connected to the server, it does however not work at all when there are multiple clients on the server.
I'm talking about actual human players and not bots, as I've been unable to meet this issue with me alone and a lot of bots.

This is on CS:GO (I dont know about the other games), and I've tested it on 2 different windows servers.
No errors appear in the console, basically remove_entity is just doing nothing.

Haven't made a github account, so thats why I'm posting here.
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Postby satoon101 » Wed Jun 10, 2015 4:59 am

That seems odd that there would be a difference based on the number of players on the server. Thank you for reporting, though. We will look into it.

It might help us to see some basic code that you know will encounter the same issue. I could guess at your code, but I would prefer you to post some that you have already tested and know is not working.

Also, you might try calling the Kill input on the entity. Not sure if that will make a difference, but worth a shot:

[python]# This is what is currently not working

# Try to kill the entity
from entities.entity import Entity

# This is internally calling <Entity>.get_input('Kill')()
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Postby NaKrutkADelp » Sat Apr 27, 2024 7:07 pm

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