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Switch to Spec and Hide Player/Chat

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 9:01 pm
by decompile

I want to request a plugin which has following plugins.

!hidechat => Hides all chat messages from players.
!hide => Hides all players/Invinsible clientside

!spec <playername/NO BOTS/Alive> => Move to spec if hes not already and spectate the selected human user by name
!specbot <playername/ONLY BOTS/Alive => Move to spec if hes not already and spectate the selected bot by name

+ "Unhide" if he has Hide on when he moves to spec to prevent cam bugs

It would be cool to get something like a function so I can use it to create an "Auto-Hide" and "Auto Hidechat" if he saved that (playersettings).

Re: Switch to Spec and Hide Player/Chat

Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 2:59 am
by decompile
Would love to have that.