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Hooking UserMessages (CSGO)

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 12:01 am
by roflmuffin

I noticed it is possible to create your own UserMessages through the use of the messages package, but is there anyway to hook a particular message (or all of them) that is being sent to players?

Something like what you would do in SourceMod:

Syntax: Select all

HookUserMessage(GetUserMessageId("TextMsg"), TextMsg, true);


Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 12:08 am
by Ayuto
We currently don't have a usermessage hook built-in. You can of course use the memory module to hook them on your own.

However, what exactly do you want to do?

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 12:13 am
by roflmuffin
Hi Ayuto,

There is a particular SourceMod plugin that will post things in individual players chat, and this information is catered to them based on that plugin. I am looking to find this information and associate it with that player. Does that make any sense?

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 1:31 pm
by Ayuto
Since we don't have a something like this built-in, it's a bit hacky/clunky, but possible! :grin:

You have to update to version 105 (it's currently compiling) to use this sample code, because I forgot two memory tools definitions. Those are required to use a few memory function like memory.make_object() on a pointer.

Syntax: Select all

# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
from messages import SayText2

import memory

from memory import Convention
from memory import DataType

from memory.hooks import PreHook

from engines.server import engine_server
from filters.recipients import RecipientFilter
from messages import UserMessage
from _messages import ProtobufMessage

# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
# Not a nice way to get the user message index...
saytext2_index = UserMessage(RecipientFilter(), 'SayText2').message_index

# virtual void SendUserMessage( IRecipientFilter &filter, int message, const google: :p rotobuf::Message &msg ) = 0;
SendUserMessage = memory.get_object_pointer(engine_server).make_virtual_function(
[DataType.POINTER, DataType.POINTER, DataType.INT, DataType.POINTER],

# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
def pre_user_message_send(args):
message_index = args[2]

# Check if a SayText2 user message has been sent
if message_index != saytext2_index:

# Wrap the IRecipientFilter pointer using the RecipientFilter class
recipients = memory.make_object(RecipientFilter, args[1])

# Allocate space for a ProtobufMessage object. It should allocate 4 bytes
ptr = memory.alloc(memory.get_size(ProtobufMessage), False)

# The ProtobufMessage class only has one attribute, which is a
# google: :p rotobuf::Message pointer. Maybe we should extend it and instead
# of wrapping it.
# ... ges.h#L287

# Wrap the pointer using the ProtobufMessage class
buffer = memory.make_object(ProtobufMessage, ptr)

# We can now use all of these methods:
# ... p.cpp#L104

# Don't forget to deallocate the allocated space!

# Send a test message to everyone
SayText2('Hello, world!').send()
There are plans for a built-in hook, so this will be much easier in the future.

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2015 8:47 am
by roflmuffin
Hi Ayuto,

This is exactly what I was looking for, amazing. Thanks for this!