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Difference in float numbers.

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2020 5:54 am
by InvisibleSoldiers
I have this:

Syntax: Select all

def post_hook(stack_data, ret):

# CBasePlayer pointer.
pointer = stack_data[0].get_pointer(0x4)
index = index_from_pointer(pointer)
player = playerdict[index]

# CMoveData pointer.
pointer = stack_data[0].get_pointer(0x8)

new_velocity = make_object(Vector, pointer + 0x40)
old_velocity = player.velocity

if stack_data[2] > 0.00001:
for i in range(2):
d = new_velocity[i] - old_velocity[i]

if d != 0.0:
wishdir = make_object(Vector, stack_data[1])
gain = d / wishdir[i]

accelspeed = stack_data[3] * stack_data[2] * TICKINTERVAL

print(gain, accelspeed)

if gain == accelspeed:


Output with airaccelerate 1.0:

Syntax: Select all

2.5999991896173777 2.599999636709697
2.5999982694367216 2.599999636709697
2.5999983129257602 2.599999636709697
2.599997708347497 2.599999636709697
2.5999983641270976 2.5999999418854713
2.5999988814964086 2.599999636709697
2.5999978331397577 2.599999636709697

In theory they should be equal, because:

Syntax: Select all

// Determine acceleration speed after acceleration
accelspeed = accel * wishspeed * gpGlobals->frametime * player->m_surfaceFriction;

// Cap it
if (accelspeed > addspeed)
accelspeed = addspeed;

Re: Difference in float numbers.

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2020 7:54 am
by Hymns For Disco
My first thought is that gpGlobals->frametime is not guarenteed to be constant. Perhaps it changes to reflect the real time passed on a given tick, and not the ideal exact same time every tick. I haven't combed through the source sdk code to verify.

Also note that the wishspeed is derived from the length of wishvel which is derived from wishdir, which is derived through trigenometry from the player's view angle. So any variation in the player's view angle will have a knock-on effect causing every value in the acceleration to vary slightly.

Re: Difference in float numbers.

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2020 4:54 pm
by L'In20Cible
Seems like a common loss of precision to me. Though, not sure why you would want to reverse-engineer the calculation if you already have the precise result?

Re: Difference in float numbers.

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 4:27 am
by Sam
Loss of accuracy in Python float is inevitable. For this, there is module `decimal`

Re: Difference in float numbers.

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2020 9:59 am
by Ayuto
Can't tell you if your calculation is correct, because the relevant information is missing in your post, but this also seems like a loss of accuracy to me. This might surprise you:

Syntax: Select all

>>> 0.3 - 0.1

Re: Difference in float numbers.

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2020 4:32 am
by DeaD_EyE
Visit f"http://{0.1 + 0.2}.com"

If you need to compare the values of equality, use math.isclose(a, b)
Problem solved :-D