ConVar - equivalent to RegisterConVarChanges

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ConVar - equivalent to RegisterConVarChanges

Postby joshtrav » Mon Jun 08, 2015 5:35 am

I have been browsing the wiki, as well as the source on convars.

I haven't found anything that would resemble a way to hook a convar change, is there a current wrapper for an equivalent? If not, would it be feasible as a feature request?
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Postby satoon101 » Mon Jun 08, 2015 6:15 am

If you don't need to stop the change from happening, you could always just add the NOTIFY flag to the ConVar and listen to the event server_cvar.

Outside of that, we do have an experimental branch currently that will allow you to hook exposed methods of a class.

Here is an example of its usage:
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Postby joshtrav » Mon Jun 08, 2015 3:08 pm

Thanks for the info. I think the first option will work just fine. I assume I could then just set the bDontBroadcast value to True in the server_cvar event?
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Postby satoon101 » Mon Jun 08, 2015 3:21 pm

To set the bDontBroadcast, you will have to hook fire_game_event. Basic event calling does not have that implemented. We do plan on having a PreEvent decorator at some point, probably once the experimental branch is finalized. Currently, you have to do it more like:

Syntax: Select all

from core import PLATFORM
from events import GameEvent
from events.manager import GameEventManager
from memory import Convention
from memory import DataType
from memory import get_object_pointer
from memory import make_object
from memory.hooks import PreHook

FIRE_EVENT_FUNC = get_object_pointer(
7 if PLATFORM == 'windows' else 8,
(DataType.POINTER, DataType.POINTER, DataType.BOOL),

def pre_fire_event(arguments):
game_event = make_object(GameEvent, arguments[1])
if game_event.get_name() == 'server_cvar':
arguments[2] = True

Though, hopefully fairly soon, you will just be able to do something more like:

Syntax: Select all

from events.hooks import PreEvent

def server_cvar(game_event):
# Block the broadcasting of the event to clients
return False
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Postby stonedegg » Mon Jun 08, 2015 4:09 pm

satoon101 wrote:Though, hopefully fairly soon, you will just be able to do something more like:

[python]from events.hooks import PreEvent

def server_cvar(game_event):
# Block the broadcasting of the event to clients
return False[/python]

Yes please!!
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Postby Ayuto » Mon Jun 08, 2015 5:34 pm

I would like to take this chance to show another feature of SP, which is already available since a long time. Though, we have improved this feature a few weeks ago.

You can create functions, which have an address in memory, so you can pass them to any function you want. This means that you can create C++ functions with any calling convention on the fly!

Syntax: Select all

# This example has been made for Windows (CS:S)
import memory

from memory import DataType
from memory import Convention
from memory import Callback

from cvars import cvar

from _cvars import _IConVar

# Get the cvar pointer
cvar_ptr = memory.get_object_pointer(cvar)

# virtual void ICvar::InstallGlobalChangeCallback(FnChangeCallback_t callback) = 0;
InstallGlobalChangeCallback = cvar_ptr.make_virtual_function(
[DataType.POINTER, DataType.POINTER],

# virtual void ICvar::RemoveGlobalChangeCallback(FnChangeCallback_t callback) = 0;
RemoveGlobalChangeCallback = cvar_ptr.make_virtual_function(
[DataType.POINTER, DataType.POINTER],

# Create a function in memory, which can be treated just like a function
# pointer. Awesome, eh? :P
# typedef void ( *FnChangeCallback_t )( IConVar *var, const char *pOldValue, float flOldValue );
[DataType.POINTER, DataType.STRING, DataType.FLOAT],
def on_cvar_changed(args):
"""Called whenever a ConVar changes."""
convar = memory.make_object(_IConVar, args[0])
old_str_value = args[1]
old_float_value = args[2]
print(convar.get_name(), 'has changed')

def load():
# Install the callback
InstallGlobalChangeCallback(cvar_ptr, on_cvar_changed)

def unload():
# Remove the callback
RemoveGlobalChangeCallback(cvar_ptr, on_cvar_changed)
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Postby joshtrav » Tue Jun 09, 2015 3:44 am

satoon101 wrote:
Though, hopefully fairly soon, you will just be able to do something more like:

Syntax: Select all

from events.hooks import PreEvent

def server_cvar(game_event):
# Block the broadcasting of the event to clients
return False

This will be very nice, and thanks for the current way as well!

Ayuto wrote:I would like to take this chance to show another feature of SP, which is already available since a long time. Though, we have improved this feature a few weeks ago.

You can create functions, which have an address in memory, so you can pass them to any function you want. This means that you can create C++ functions with any calling convention on the fly!

Syntax: Select all

# This example has been made for Windows (CS:S)
import memory

from memory import DataType
from memory import Convention
from memory import Callback

from cvars import cvar

from _cvars import _IConVar

# Get the cvar pointer
cvar_ptr = memory.get_object_pointer(cvar)

# virtual void ICvar::InstallGlobalChangeCallback(FnChangeCallback_t callback) = 0;
InstallGlobalChangeCallback = cvar_ptr.make_virtual_function(
[DataType.POINTER, DataType.POINTER],

# virtual void ICvar::RemoveGlobalChangeCallback(FnChangeCallback_t callback) = 0;
RemoveGlobalChangeCallback = cvar_ptr.make_virtual_function(
[DataType.POINTER, DataType.POINTER],

# Create a function in memory, which can be treated just like a function
# pointer. Awesome, eh? :P
# typedef void ( *FnChangeCallback_t )( IConVar *var, const char *pOldValue, float flOldValue );
[DataType.POINTER, DataType.STRING, DataType.FLOAT],
def on_cvar_changed(args):
"""Called whenever a ConVar changes."""
convar = memory.make_object(_IConVar, args[0])
old_str_value = args[1]
old_float_value = args[2]
print(convar.get_name(), 'has changed')

def load():
# Install the callback
InstallGlobalChangeCallback(cvar_ptr, on_cvar_changed)

def unload():
# Remove the callback
RemoveGlobalChangeCallback(cvar_ptr, on_cvar_changed)

This seems very involved and powerful, is there a substantial amount of info on the wiki in regards to this that I missed?
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Postby Ayuto » Tue Jun 09, 2015 6:24 am

We haven't added that to the wiki yet. But here is the source code:

I can add that to the wiki today. :)
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Postby joshtrav » Wed Jun 10, 2015 2:08 am

Ayuto, would you still need to hook the GameEventManager to stop the broadcast using the method you posted?
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Postby Ayuto » Wed Jun 10, 2015 6:54 am

The callback gets called everytime a ConVar changes and it doesn't need the NOTIFY flag. But yes, if it has this flag, you would need to hook FireEvent.

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