RefCount library

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RefCount library

Postby BackRaw » Sun Feb 08, 2015 8:16 pm

I thought sometimes you may need to use refcounts for variables, so I put something together here:

Syntax: Select all

# ../addons/source-python/packages/source-python/

# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================

# maybe import and do some logging like in the other libs..

# Source.Python
# Cvars
from cvars import ConVar

# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================

class _Variables(dict):

"""Class used to provide refcount functionality for server variables."""

def __init__(self):
"""Call dict's __init__() method."""
super(_Variables, self).__init__()

def __missing__(self, variable):
"""Adds the variable to this dict, if it doesn't exist yet."""
# Set the variable's count to 0
self[variable] = 0

def increment(self, variable, desired_value=1):
"""Increments the variable's refcount and sets
the variable's value to the desired one, if it isn't already set."""
# get a ConVar instance of the variable
cvar = ConVar(variable)

# increment the refcount for the variable
self[variable] += 1

# set it's value to the desired one, if it isn't already set
if cvar.get_int() != desired_value:

# TODO: add support for other variable types

def decrement(self, variable):
"""Decrements the variable's refcount and sets
the variable's value to its default, if it isn't already set."""
# get a ConVar instance of the variable
cvar = ConVar(variable)

# decrement the refcount for the variable
self[variable] -= 1

# is it time to set the variable's value back to default?
if self[variable] <= 0:

# if yes, set the variable's value back to default
# if it isn't already set
if cvar.get_int():

# remove the variable from this dict as it is not needed anymore
del self[variable]

# Instantiate the _Variables class
variables = _Variables()
Do we even need something like this? lol :D
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Postby satoon101 » Mon Feb 16, 2015 3:27 pm

There has been some discussion of this internally, and it wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing to include. Though, I think I would like this implementation a little better:

Syntax: Select all

from collections import defaultdict

from cvars import ConVar

class _RefCount(defaultdict):

def __setitem__(self, item, value):
convar = ConVar(item)
current_value = convar.get_int()
if value > 0 and current_value != 1:
elif value == 0 and current_value != 0:
elif value < 0:
raise ValueError('Reference count cannot be a negative number.')
super(_RefCount, self).__setitem__(item, value)

reference_count = _RefCount(int)

And usage would be:

Syntax: Select all

from refcount import reference_count

reference_count['my_variable'] += 1

def unload():
reference_count['my_variable'] -= 1

Though, I am not sure what all the counter would be used for, so there might need to be more to it than that. Perhaps we could add a flag attribute to add/remove specified flags, as well as support different start and end values. That last part could get tricky, as scripts could possibly want to have different values setup for that.
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Postby Ayuto » Mon Feb 16, 2015 9:10 pm

Hmm, I don't think we need something like that. Back in ES I have never seen anyone using that except for eventscripts_noisy and maybe sv_cheats. If you should ever need to do something like that, it's not hard to do this manually.

Syntax: Select all

sv_cheats = ConVar('sv_cheats')

def load():
sv_cheats.set_int(sv_cheats.get_int() + 1)

def unload():
sv_cheats.set_int(sv_cheats.get_int() - 1)

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