[SP to Lua] Emulator

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[SP to Lua] Emulator

Postby Painkiller » Tue Dec 22, 2020 6:04 pm

Hello dear SP team and community,

I probably have an unusual question.

But since I'm not that familiar with the subject I wanted to know if there is an emulator that rewrites SP scripts in Lua?

Or if there is someone who knows more about Lua to help me and my buddy to learn some basics or even help to rewrite/adapt a script.

Greeting Painkiller
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Re: [SP to Lua] Emulator

Postby Kami » Tue Dec 22, 2020 7:05 pm

Hey Painkiller,

It don't think there is an easy way to emulate SP scripts in Lua.
Maybe you could let us know what you are trying to do, maybe there is a different approach to your problem.

For eample, if you are trying to convert SP plugins to Lua for Garry's Mod, there is a SP branch for Garry's Mod already (even though I don't know how well it works).

If you plan to learn Lua yourself, you could start by going to https://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/de/ and look at videos on YouTube on how to start (There seem to be good german ones for Lua).

I also found http://underpop.online.fr/l/lua-gts-stolberg-de/index.html which seems to offer a low level entry point for starting Lua.
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Re: [SP to Lua] Emulator

Postby Painkiller » Tue Dec 22, 2020 8:56 pm

Thanks first of all for your answer.

The issue here is this: https://veniceunleashed.net/

Since a few days you can set up your own BF3 server.
You can even include overlays and quakesounds which is very interesting from my side.

Later, the map editor is to be published. There is already a Dust map:) .

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Re: [SP to Lua] Emulator

Postby Kami » Tue Dec 22, 2020 9:06 pm

Ah okay, that looks very cool.
But in that case I can tell you that there is no way to automatically port a SP script to Lua for BF3. The engine is completely different so you'd have to write your own emulator which would take much more time than just porting the plugin yourself.

Your best option is to try and learn some Lua and maybe you can make something cool yourself! Good luck :)

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