CSGO Windows - Failed to load the main module

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CSGO Windows - Failed to load the main module

Postby Jake » Tue May 24, 2016 3:00 pm

May 22nd build. Previous builds seem to work

Code: Select all

Seeded random number generator @ 1085550446 ( 5.631 )
Failed to load gamerulescvars.txt, game rules cvars might not be reported to management tools.
Server is hibernating
No web api auth key specified - workshop downloads will be disabled.
CResponseSystem:  scripts\talker\response_rules.txt (1636 rules, 484 criteria, and 1450 responses)
Plugins: found file "source-python.vdf"
[Source.Python] Loading...
[Source.Python] Connecting interfaces...
[Source.Python] Retrieving engine interfaces...
[Source.Python] Interface VEngineServer023 at 50ef9090
[Source.Python] Interface GAMEEVENTSMANAGER002 at 511278d0
[Source.Python] Interface ISERVERPLUGINHELPERS001 at 50ef7ba0
[Source.Python] Interface EngineTraceServer004 at 50efabac
[Source.Python] Interface IEngineSoundServer003 at 50e7d42c
[Source.Python] Interface VEngineRandom001 at 50f026f4
[Source.Python] Interface VFileSystem017 at 5269d640
[Source.Python] Interface VEngineServerStringTable001 at 50f02360
[Source.Python] Interface VPhysics031 at 5a1ba4c8
[Source.Python] Interface VPhysicsCollision007 at 5a1c5e10
[Source.Python] Interface VPhysicsSurfaceProps001 at 5a1c5ea0
[Source.Python] Interface MDLCache004 at 5a58cc70
[Source.Python] Interface VoiceServer002 at 50f04010
[Source.Python] Retrieving game interfaces...
[Source.Python] Interface PlayerInfoManager002 at 126d18a0
[Source.Python] Interface BotManager001 at 126d18a4
[Source.Python] Interface ServerGameDLL005 at 126cdeb0
[Source.Python] Interface VSERVERTOOLS001 at 126e5228
[Source.Python] Retrieving global variables...
[Source.Python] Initializing mathlib...
[Source.Python] Initializing server and say commands...
[Source.Python] Registering say and say_team commands...
[Source.Python] Registering ConVar accessor...
[Source.Python] Initializing python...
[Source.Python] Python home path set to c:\servers\csgo\idle\csgo\addons\source-python\Python3
[Source.Python] Python version 3.5.1 (default, Mar  5 2016, 20:58:08) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)] initialized!
[Source.Python] Setting sys.argv...
[Source.Python] Adding c:\servers\csgo\idle\csgo\addons\source-python\packages\source-python to path
[Source.Python] Adding c:\servers\csgo\idle\csgo\addons\source-python\Python3\plat-win to path
[Source.Python] Adding c:\servers\csgo\idle\csgo\addons\source-python\packages\site-packages to path
[Source.Python] Adding c:\servers\csgo\idle\csgo\addons\source-python\packages\custom to path
[Source.Python] Adding c:\servers\csgo\idle\csgo\addons\source-python\plugins to path
[Source.Python] Initializing _memory module
[Source.Python] Initializing _bitbuffers module
[Source.Python] Initializing _colors module
[Source.Python] Initializing _commands._client module
[Source.Python] Initializing _commands module
[Source.Python] Initializing _commands._say module
[Source.Python] Initializing _commands._server module
[Source.Python] Initializing _cvars module
[Source.Python] Initializing _effects module
[Source.Python] Initializing _effects._base module
[Source.Python] Initializing _effects._constants module
[Source.Python] Initializing _engines module
[Source.Python] Initializing _engines._server module
[Source.Python] Initializing _engines._sound module
[Source.Python] Initializing _engines._trace module
[Source.Python] Initializing _entities._constants module
[Source.Python] Initializing _entities._helpers module
[Source.Python] Initializing _entities module
[Source.Python] Initializing _entities._factories module
[Source.Python] Initializing _entities._datamaps module
[Source.Python] Initializing _entities._props module
[Source.Python] Initializing _entities._entity module
[Source.Python] Initializing _core module
[Source.Python] Initializing _events module
[Source.Python] Initializing _globals module
[Source.Python] Initializing _keyvalues module
[Source.Python] Initializing _listeners module
[Source.Python] Initializing _mathlib module
[Source.Python] Initializing _messages module
[Source.Python] Initializing _net_channel module
[Source.Python] Initializing _players._bots module
[Source.Python] Initializing _players._constants module
[Source.Python] Initializing _players._helpers module
[Source.Python] Initializing _players module
[Source.Python] Initializing _players._voice module
[Source.Python] Initializing _filters._recipients module
[Source.Python] Initializing _steam module
[Source.Python] Initializing _stringtables module
[Source.Python] Initializing _studio module
[Source.Python] Initializing _studio._constants module
[Source.Python] Initializing _studio._cache module
[Source.Python] Initializing _weapons._constants module
[Source.Python] Initializing _weapons._scripts module
[Source.Python] Loading main module...
[Source.Python] Failed to load the main module.
[Source.Python] Could not initialize python.
Failed to load plugin "addons/source-python"
[Source.Python] Unloading...
[Source.Python] Unhooking all functions...
[Source.Python] Shutting down python...
[Source.Python] Unloading main module...
[Source.Python] Failed to unload the main module.
[Source.Python] Clearing all commands...
[Source.Python] Unregistering ConVar...
[Source.Python] Disconnecting interfaces...
[Source.Python] Resetting cache notifier...
[Source.Python] Unloaded successfully.
maxplayers set to 64
Trying cache :  'c:/servers/csgo/idle/csgo/maps/soundcache/_master.cache'
Successfully loaded audio cache file
ConVarRef cl_embedded_stream_video_playing doesn't point to an existing ConVar
Execing config: valve.rc
Execing config: default.cfg
Unknown command "cl_bobamt_vert"
Unknown command "cl_bobamt_lat"
Unknown command "cl_bob_lower_amt"
Unknown command "cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt"
Unknown command "cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt"
Unknown command "cl_teamid_min"
Unknown command "cl_teamid_max"
Unknown command "cl_teamid_overhead"
Unknown command "cl_teamid_overhead_maxdist"
Execing config: joystick.cfg
Execing config: autoexec.cfg
Maxplayers is deprecated, set it in gamemodes_server.txt.example or use -maxplayers_override instead.
Execing config: modsettings.cfg
NET_GetBindAddresses found 'LogMeIn Hamachi Virtual Ethernet Adapter'
NET_GetBindAddresses found 'Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller'
Cannot init steam datagram client, no Steam HTTP interface
Network: IP mode MP, dedicated No, ports 27015 SV / 27005 CL
CServerGameDLL::ApplyGameSettings game settings payload received:
  ::ExecGameTypeCfg {
    map {
      mapname de_dust2
---- Host_NewGame ----
Execing config: game.cfg
Hunk_OnMapStart: 41943040
props_mill\millwall_01.mdl : material "models/props_mill/greygrid" not found.
Host_NewGame on map de_dust2
GameTypes: initializing game types interface from GameModes.txt.
GameTypes: merging game types interface from gamemodes_server.txt.
Failed to load gamemodes_server.txt
GameTypes: missing mapgroupsSP entry for game type/mode (custom/custom).
GameTypes: missing mapgroupsSP entry for game type/mode (cooperative/cooperative).
GameTypes: missing mapgroupsSP entry for game type/mode (cooperative/coopmission).
bot_autodifficulty_threshold_high - 5.0
bot_autodifficulty_threshold_low - -2.0
bot_chatter - normal
bot_defer_to_human_goals - 0
bot_defer_to_human_items - 1
bot_difficulty - 1
bot_quota - 10
bot_quota_mode - normal
bot_allow_grenades - 1
bot_allow_pistols - 1
bot_allow_sub_machine_guns - 1
bot_allow_shotguns - 1
bot_allow_rifles - 1
bot_allow_snipers - 1
bot_allow_machine_guns - 1
sv_auto_adjust_bot_difficulty - 1
sv_bots_get_easier_each_win - 0
sv_bots_force_rebuy_every_round - 0
sv_bots_get_harder_after_each_wave - 0
mp_playercashawards - 1
cash_player_bomb_defused - 300
cash_player_bomb_planted - 300
cash_player_damage_hostage - -30
cash_player_interact_with_hostage - 150
cash_player_killed_enemy_default - 300
cash_player_killed_enemy_factor - 1
cash_player_killed_hostage - -1000
cash_player_killed_teammate - -300
cash_player_rescued_hostage - 1000
cash_player_respawn_amount - 0
cash_player_get_killed - 0
mp_teamcashawards - 1
cash_team_elimination_bomb_map - 3250
cash_team_elimination_hostage_map_t - 1000
cash_team_elimination_hostage_map_ct - 2000
cash_team_hostage_alive - 0
cash_team_hostage_interaction - 500
cash_team_loser_bonus - 1400
cash_team_loser_bonus_consecutive_rounds - 500
cash_team_planted_bomb_but_defused - 800
cash_team_rescued_hostage - 0
cash_team_terrorist_win_bomb - 3500
cash_team_win_by_defusing_bomb - 3250
cash_team_win_by_hostage_rescue - 3500
cash_team_win_by_time_running_out_bomb - 3250
cash_team_win_by_time_running_out_hostage - 3250
cash_team_survive_guardian_wave - 1000
mp_afterroundmoney - 0
mp_buytime - 90
mp_buy_anywhere - 0
mp_buy_during_immunity - 0
mp_startmoney - 800
mp_maxmoney - 16000
sv_buy_status_override - -1
mp_death_drop_defuser - 1
mp_death_drop_grenade - 2
mp_death_drop_gun - 1
mp_deathcam_skippable - 1
mp_defuser_allocation - 0
mp_give_player_c4 - 1
mp_free_armor - 0
mp_molotovusedelay - 15.0
mp_weapons_allow_zeus - 1
mp_weapons_allow_map_placed - 0
mp_weapons_glow_on_ground - 0
mp_ct_default_melee - weapon_knife
mp_ct_default_secondary - weapon_hkp2000
mp_ct_default_primary -
mp_ct_default_grenades -
mp_t_default_melee - weapon_knife
mp_t_default_secondary - weapon_glock
mp_t_default_primary -
mp_t_default_grenades -
mp_buy_allow_grenades - 1
mp_weapons_allow_typecount - 5
mp_freezetime - 6
mp_force_pick_time - 15
mp_halftime - 0
mp_match_can_clinch - 1
mp_maxrounds - 0
mp_roundtime - 5
mp_roundtime_defuse - 0
mp_roundtime_hostage - 0
mp_timelimit - 5
mp_warmuptime - 30
mp_warmuptime_all_players_connected - 60
mp_warmup_pausetimer - 0
mp_halftime_pausetimer - 0
mp_default_team_winner_no_objective - -1
mp_hostagepenalty - 10
mp_solid_teammates - 1
sv_allow_votes - 1
sv_alltalk - 0
sv_auto_full_alltalk_during_warmup_half_end - 1
sv_deadtalk - 0
sv_ignoregrenaderadio - 0
mp_teammates_are_enemies - 0
mp_damage_scale_ct_body - 1.0
mp_damage_scale_ct_head - 1.0
mp_damage_scale_t_body - 1.0
mp_damage_scale_t_head - 1.0
mp_friendlyfire - 0
ff_damage_reduction_bullets - 0.1
ff_damage_reduction_grenade - 0.25
ff_damage_reduction_grenade_self - 1
ff_damage_reduction_other - 0.25
mp_limitteams - 2
spec_freeze_panel_extended_time - 0.0
spec_freeze_time - 2.0
mp_forcecamera - 1
mp_respawn_immunitytime - 4.0
mp_respawn_on_death_t - 0
mp_respawn_on_death_ct - 0
mp_display_kill_assists - 1
mp_use_respawn_waves - 0
mp_respawnwavetime_ct - 10.0
mp_respawnwavetime_t - 10.0
mp_randomspawn - 0
mp_randomspawn_los - 1
mp_randomspawn_dist - 0
mp_radar_showall - 0
mp_force_assign_teams - 0
sv_gravity - 800
sv_accelerate - 5.5
sv_stopspeed - 80
sv_airaccelerate - 12
sv_wateraccelerate - 10
sv_waterfriction - 1
sv_friction - 5.2
sv_bounce - 0
sv_maxvelocity - 3500
sv_maxspeed - 320
sv_bot_buy_grenade_chance - 33
sv_bot_buy_smoke_weight - 1
sv_bot_buy_flash_weight - 1
sv_bot_buy_decoy_weight - 1
sv_bot_buy_molotov_weight - 1
sv_bot_buy_hegrenade_weight - 6
sv_guardian_min_wave_for_heavy - 0
sv_guardian_max_wave_for_heavy - 0
sv_guardian_heavy_count - 0
sv_guardian_heavy_all - 0
mp_ggprogressive_round_restart_delay - 15.0
mp_ggtr_bomb_defuse_bonus - 1.0
mp_ggtr_bomb_detonation_bonus - 1.0
mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_flash - 4
mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_he - 3
mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_molotov - 5
mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_upgrade - 2.0
mp_ggtr_bomb_respawn_delay - 0.0
mp_ggtr_end_round_kill_bonus - 1
mp_ggtr_halftime_delay - 0.0
mp_ggtr_last_weapon_kill_ends_half - 0
sv_arms_race_vote_to_restart_disallowed_after - 0
mp_coop_force_join_ct - 0
bot_allow_rogues - 1
mp_guardian_special_kills_needed - 10
mp_guardian_special_weapon_needed - awp
mp_guardian_player_dist_min - 1300
mp_guardian_player_dist_max - 2000
mp_guardian_target_site - -1
mp_hostages_spawn_force_positions -
mp_hostages_spawn_same_every_round - 1
mp_guardian_bot_money_per_wave - 800
sv_disable_show_team_select_menu - 0
mp_hostages_max - 2
spec_replay_enable - 0
mp_round_restart_delay - 7.0
mp_coopmission_bot_difficulty_offset - 0
sv_duplicate_playernames_ok - 0
mp_anyone_can_pickup_c4 - 0
mp_c4_cannot_be_defused - 0
mp_c4timer - 40
mp_coopmission_mission_number - 0
weapon_reticle_knife_show - 0
mp_death_drop_c4 - 1
Executing dedicated server config file
Execing config: server.cfg
exec: couldn't exec server.cfg
Execing config: gamemode_casual.cfg
Execing config: gamemode_casual_server.cfg
exec: couldn't exec gamemode_casual_server.cfg
GameTypes: set convars for game type/mode (classic:0/casual:0):
  exec {
    exec gamemode_casual.cfg
    exec gamemode_casual_server.cfg
Set Gravity 800.0 (0.250 tolerance)
Missing shutdown function for Sys_InitAuthentication() : Sys_ShutdownAuthentication()
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Re: CSGO Windows - Failed to load the main module

Postby Ayuto » Tue May 24, 2016 5:11 pm

Thanks for reporting! I have fixed the issue:
https://github.com/Source-Python-Dev-Te ... f3f488d01d

The download for the fixed version is already available.
Junior Member
Posts: 19
Joined: Sun Oct 04, 2015 7:54 pm

Re: CSGO Windows - Failed to load the main module

Postby Jake » Tue May 24, 2016 5:49 pm

Working now, thanks!

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