Core module callbacks.

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Core module callbacks.

Postby your-name-here » Thu Jul 12, 2012 1:02 am

I've made this thread to detail out all of the core module callbacks from C++ for reference to core library builders.
The core module in this case is called (analogous to The core module in this case is the core.dll/ file.

Syntax: Select all

def event_fired(gameEvent):
''' This event is fired whenever the core plugin receives an event. gameEvent is an IGameEvent instance.
This function will then pass the event on to the event manager which will then call the appropriate callbacks
for the event. '''

Syntax: Select all

def addon_load(addonName):
''' This function is called whenever sp_load is executed from the console. It will contain the name of the addon
that is to be loaded.

Syntax: Select all

def addon_unload(addonName):
''' This function is called whenever sp_unload is executed from the console. It will contain the name of the addon
that is to be unloaded.

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