2 major changes

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2 major changes

Postby satoon101 » Wed Mar 20, 2013 1:34 am

Just wanted to let everyone know of 2 major changes that were just committed to the repository. First, the listeners package, which was created with the thinking that other "listeners" would at some point be added to the package, was renamed to "tick". So, the following file changes were made:
  • listeners.__init__ -> tick.__init__
  • listeners.delays -> tick.delays
  • listeners.repeat -> tick.repeat
  • listeners.tick -> tick.listeners

The second change is to the BaseEntity system. There are only 2 BaseEntity classes now, BaseEntity itself and PlayerEntity. All of the other classes have been removed. Now, when you use BaseEntity, you will need to pass the baseclasses (the entity names) to make sure the ini files are used that you wish to use. The onus will now be on the scripters to make sure that they have an index of the correct type of entity and include the proper baseclass names to use for their entity. PlayerEntity does all of that work for you and just adds "player" and "entity" to a frozenset (a set object that cannot be added to or have items removed from). BaseEntity uses a set() object that you can also add and remove items from at your discretion, though it is advised to instead add them as arguments when getting the instance.

I will be moving the listeners wiki pages tonight and working on the BaseEntity and PlayerEntity pages as well.

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La Muerte
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Postby La Muerte » Thu Mar 21, 2013 11:51 pm

Nice, the wiki seems to come along nicely as well :)

I was wondering, will the source-python-2 branch become the default branch of the code repository at some point? Or how does it work?
It is rather easy to mistake development for "paused" or something if one doesn't know he has to select the new branch at the Browse and Changes tab.
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Postby satoon101 » Fri Mar 22, 2013 12:47 am

Eventually, we will merge source-python-2 over to default. I'm not sure where in the development process that will happen, though. We could go ahead and do it now, but there are things not available yet on SP2 that the Python API is being updated for. It helps to be able to test using the default branch build for those items. So, more than likely, we won't merge back over until at least most of what was possible with the default branch is available in SP2.

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Postby satoon101 » Sat Mar 23, 2013 2:22 am

Ok, we decided, since we will more than likely never use the old version, to create an old-branch for the old version and merge the newest changes from source-python-2 into the default branch. We also closed the sp2 branch itself, since there is no need to have it anymore.

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La Muerte
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Postby La Muerte » Sat Mar 23, 2013 11:09 am

Ok thats lovely :D

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