Buymenu behavior alteration for CSGO Deathmatch

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La Muerte
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Buymenu behavior alteration for CSGO Deathmatch

Postby La Muerte » Tue Aug 09, 2016 7:40 pm

Hi all,

The build-in deathmatch mode for CS:GO makes it so that you can't open the buymenu after moving or shooting.

Syntax: Select all

mp_buytime 0              ## you can buy whenever you spawn
mp_buy_anywhere 1 ## you can buy wherever you spawn
mp_buy_during_immunity 1 ## you can buy during immunity

You can only buy as long as you haven't moved at all or haven't shot a bullet. There is no server variable that allows you to change it so that you can still buy after moving around or after shooting a bullet. In certain occasions on modded servers it can be required to move as soon as you spawn.

I'd like to request a plugin that allows you to access the buy menu for a configurable amount of X seconds after you've spawned, no matter if you moved or shot at something.

Thanks a lot in advance!

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